21 Episodes in Shingeki no Kyokin Thoughts!

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*Seeing the length of the Facebook Post, I am also posting this on the page.*

Yo Hello! So I finally played catch up with Shingeki no Kyokin, I had stopped early on cause I had a feeling it was a show “I don’t want to have to watch episode to episode” and felt it was a bit over hyped. I feel a bit right in both manners. So I am throwing up my thoughts 21 Episodes in.. Late Mid Season Review Style!

Now before you fanboy/girl destroy me… I’m not saying its horrid just not the best thing everyone makes it out to be. I get a feel of “mainstream logic” kicking in.

(So first the Bad): Honestly the show either moves to slow or to fast at points, I watched very few episodes I felt were moving at a solid pace. It gives off an air similar to Code Geass honestly. Sometimes skipping through things so fast you never really “feel” the characters. Other times it moves so slow to get through “the important moment” you make me want to skip. After the “Review – Opening Theme – Ending Theme” are all equated for I feel I get about 17 minutes of story, which for the pace of this show really hurts. I don’t like killing off characters the way they do, it feels more empty cause I never really had time to “know them”. I do feel that did a bit better with the current season, but not enough. I also feel they do not give enough information linking to the plot. It feels similar to learning through Aren’s shoes about everything going on which just leads to a mega climax if this shows ends at Episode 25. I generally don’t mind the super ending, but with the lack of details and information it would be more like if One Piece announced ending in 5 episodes and “everything” will be resolved. Not that you couldn’t do it, it just wouldn’t feel right.

(And the Good): I love the animation. The feel makes me think back to older school films that aired. The background work is divine and I love the stage of time that has been set. The overall music is solid, although I feel its a bit too epic at times. I actually came to really like the voice acting (VA) in this show. I think the secondary characters are voiced really well (for the lack of connection you get with them). The show does have a lot going for it, but so much that goes against it in the same way. I’d have a push time rating this show an “8” if the last episodes don’t deliver in a big way.

(In the End): I sit here asking some of the same questions since episode four that never gets any attention and probably won’t be dropped until close to the end. The lack of hints or ability for the viewer to grasp the whole picture hurts a lot. I do think the show has re-watch value, but I would see myself skipping about 30% of the show to reach the parts I enjoy. I can’t say this show is the best of this season (nor last season) honestly. This show is a solid watch if you know what you sitting down for. I would probably push this into the “wait until the 25 episodes air” or watch 24 the day before due to nature of how each episode ends. With four episodes left I am going to peg this show a “7”, however the ending will really make or break the final review.