Late Thoughts on Kamicon & More!



It’s been a long time coming since we’ve been able to update the website, I apologize for this. Something something.. being an adult and life stuff comes up (and a bit of lazy).

All Things Kami

So where to start off? Well last weekend we had the fun time of going up to Birmingham, AL for Kamicon. I had known of this con for a few years, but since I am poor and do not have friends… never made a strong effort to go. This changed this past year as Blueice won a badge at MAI Con to attend for free through Greggo’s Games. Of all of us, I know Blue was the most excited to attend. The big pull for him was Little Kuriboh and the Miku concert they had scheduled. I was looking forward to seeing another con and just taking in the atmosphere.

I did not find myself disappointed. Little Kuriboh’s panel was great, I even got him to sign my (Sasha) Meat (stick), as well as Greg. I had hoped to get some of the other panelist to sign, but we never made it to the autograph lines. I did manage to catch the English cast panel (of a 3) for Cowboy Bebop. I don’t watch many anime in English, but Cowboy Bebop was done to perfection thus my desire to go. I always take great joy in seeing them talk in person because you can always still hear a bit of the character in them as they talk. This was also a rare chance to catch the full cast in action.

I was honestly impressed by the amount of cosplay there. I would say near 40% of the con goers were all dressed to impress for the weekend. As you guys may have realized, I either order or commission my cosplay through people I know as I am not a clothcrafter. I am always on the line on how to approach it, but I love being able to dress down as a character I love for a weekend. I wore an older Red Mage AF I had for the first night and took to Working!?! the second day. The fun part of Working?! was that HP took the time to make a good bit of the outfits as well as what I needed to purchase for a quick shot cosplay. I was happy to know there were some Working!?! fans out there as it is not of the major anime state side and.. well.. we look like we should be working the hotel or Satou being mistaken for Sanji (One Piece) all the time. Regardless I always enjoy dressing up and have ordered my next cosplay for Akon/Cypha Con. This comes in conjunction with our desire to finally build one 100%, we’ll see how that goes before making any announcement.

Cosplay and guests aside, the Artist alley was neat and the dealers room was versatile to cover almost any major need you were looking for (fan wise). The panel breakdown was well done, I love this con team as they always try to have the special guest on 2 or 3 panels to ensure everyone has a chance to catch them. As one of our attendees was new to cons, I felt Kami served as a great intro to the world of anime cons and what is out there. Another good side is the overall con size. As Kami is not yet one of the big dogs of the con world, the hotel and atmosphere are perfect. No elevator waits, places that deliver (aside from pizza), and a fully enclosed walkway/path from the hotel to the con. It sounds like a small thing, but these are huge pluses for me knowing movement and food are easy and accessible.

In short it’s worth the five hour drive to hit up this con. If your looking for something a bit more cozy look out for Kami next year!

Photos Here!

In the Meantime!

So how is everyone been other than the recent con atmosphere. How are you guys enjoying the Winter Anime? I personally have a few favorites this season. For starters almost everything I had on my review list were not my “top spot of the season”, which does make me a little sad granted they aren’t bad. So far here are the ones I’m watching episode to episode:

Witch Craft Works
Seitokai Yakuindomo II
Log Horizon
Tokyo Ravens

I know. I know… where is “Kill la Kill” or “Magi”? They are on my “once they finish list” as I feel I will get stringed along for an epic finale type situation. Shows I did enjoy but let slide for now are Space Dandy and Samurai Flamenco… albeit I am interested I am not dying to watch them (its a bit of a mood thing). I’ve been in this middle zone of what I wanted to watch lately. Sakura Trick and Nisekoi both struck me as very solid at the start, but I think need get in the proper mindset to sit and watch. Hamatora, Saki, Imouto no Yousu, and Silver Spoon are all anime I am probably going to dive into closer towards their finales. I would guess I will catch up to KLK and Magi around the 10 week marker as they have several more episodes. If I had to pick on that I am really into right now, I would say Seitokai Yakuindomo II as the must watch of the season. Keep note I am a huge comedy / slice of life fan and for the past few seasons not been in a “serious plot driven cliffhanger” anime mood (thus making Tokyo Ravens a bit of surprise series for me).

Anyway we do need to finish posting all of our reviews, I still have not received all of them and will need to go ahead of finish up with my own personal thoughts and banners for this season shortly. I would honestly love to have them for this weekend, but time + motivation can be hard to find after a long day at work!

Also we will be at CyphaCon coming this April as a fan panel (! If you able to drop by, come say hi!